Category: News

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Should you publish your paper in Open Access (OA) journals?

Publishing in open access journals, while beneficial for ensuring broad dissemination of research, presents several challenges for…

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Title Suppressions Journals Suppressed from 2023 JCR Data (2024 Release)

Due to anomalous citation patterns found in the 2023 citation data, impact metrics (Journal Impact Factor, 5-year…

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Top 20 Impact Factor Journals by Journal Citation Reports 2024: Leading the Way in Scholarly Influence

The 2024 release of the Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR™) has brought significant attention to the leading academic…

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What’s news in Journal Citation Reports and Web of Science 2024?

Clarivate’s 2024 release of the Journal Citation Reports™ represents a major milestone in enhancing journal evaluation and…

Posted in Experience News

How to choose an appropriate journal for your paper if it is not exceptionally excellent

Selecting an appropriate quality-level journal for submission is crucial, especially when the submitted paper may not be…

Posted in Experience News

How to write an experimental research paper?

Writing an experimental research paper involves several key steps to ensure clarity, coherence, and adherence to scientific…

Posted in Experience News

How to select a reputable journal to submit your paper

Publication in reputable journals serves as a hallmark of scholarly achievement and rigor, facilitating the dissemination of…

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The top 20 highest-impact factor journals according to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR 2022), published by Clarivate Analytics in June 2023

Clarivate Analytics released the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2022 in June 2023. The report lists the top…

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When will Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports (JCR) release an annual update?

Impact factor is a popular metric used to rank journals in the Web of Science database. It…

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All journals of Web of Science Core including ESCI will have an Impact factor in the June release of 2023

In the next release of June 2023, all journals in Web of Science core will have an…